Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Home Style: The asterism* Group Celebrates Fresh Flowers

The asterism* Group - a newly formed company that fuses expertise in event planning and event coordination with style and decor expertise, plus public and media relations, brand marketing and creative concept consulting.

CJ DiRoma loves fresh flowers. Each new season, DiRoma celebrates the beauty of fresh floral displays or seasonally stunning presentations that reflect the time of year, as well as her own personal style - a hint of vintage elegance, a touch of Victorian charm, a salute to cozy country comforts and a pop of modern fusion.

Luckily, CJ DiRoma, Founder of The asterism* Group and President of Station Avenue Productions, both based in Merchantville, does not keep her floral facination and tremendous sense of seasonal style all to herself. In fact, even her neighbors get to enjoy DiRoma's playful, yet stellar, seasonal celebration of flowers, ferns and spectacular green displays.

"The beautiful accent of fresh flowers should be a must for every homeowner. A small expense - given the beauty delivered by fresh floral arrangements and displays - adding flowers to your home can be the personal touch that takes your home from average to outstanding," DiRoma shares.

DiRoma's historic Merchantville home was a spotlight stop during Merchantville's Holiday Celebrations as part of the town's Historic Holiday House Tours. In December, DiRoma's Victorian home was perfectly decorated with sharp seasonal accents and Victorian displays of ferns, ribbons, lace and elegant holiday charm. 

Hundreds of visitors toured DiRoma's Victorian home for the Merchantville Holiday House Tour - all were amazed at the detail and style DiRoma poured into every seasonal display.This Spring, the Merchantville Victorian is alive with a burst of colorful fresh floral arrangements throughout the interior and exterior of the classic residence. Purple, yellow, blue, red, pink and more colors of the season, not to mention elegant floral scents, bring DiRoma's Victorian beauty of a home alive this time of year.As Founder of The asterism* Group - a newly formed company that fuses the expertise in event planning and event coordination of Station Avenue Productions with the style and decor expertise of DiRoma, plus the talents of public and media relations, brand marketing and creative concept consulting - DiRoma readily shares her views on why seasonal expressions such as fresh flowers truly matter when talking home decor and style.

"Whatever your style, flowers and plants are the perfect way to add beauty and warmth and create a space that reflects your personality and your energy as each season comes and goes," DiRoma shares. "Neighbors always admire the subtle or even dramatic ways flowers decorate a home, whether they are displayed in ornate planters or smaller displays."

As DiRoma shares, flowers can deliver decorative boosts to any home, business or even event. For more information on The asterism* Group, contact 856-665-5513. 

For information on the events, entertainers and more from Station Avenue Productions, visit

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